Shoreline View Mid-Afternoon (2022)
Video Art
My vision when creating this piece was to produce a work that really separated itself from things that I can do in photography. To create a work that was exclusively video. And seeing what’s possible here compared to other mediums in art.
The beauty of working with something like video is that you really don’t have to stick to the same conventions as other styles and other genres. You can allow yourself to reinvent or create your own rules, in terms of how you want to approach it. Especially when brought into a gallery space, you can have possibilities such as blowing it up on a wall, on the ceiling, or in this case, on the floor.
With the nature of video, you don’t have to limit yourself with the still image. You now have the moving image. Things move, things interact, and things come to life. With sound, you now have a new way to bring people into new spaces or to new environments with just the single playback of a video.
Shoreline View Mid-Afternoon by Mark Sosa
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